From Corporate Communications to Empowerment & Intuitive Coach: Sharin Shaik


Sharin has shifted careers multiple times in the past 8 years. Formerly working in Corporate Communications, she is now an Empowerment and Intuitive Coach, helping women go from overwhelmed and disconnected to creating a life in alignment with their truths. Her own experience dealing with stress in the corporate world lead her to a journey of self-exploration and ultimately, a calling that is now her career.


Q: Tell us about your current work roles.

I am an Empowerment and Intuitive Coach. I help highly sensitive women go from overwhelmed and disconnected from their power, to creating a life in alignment with their truth so that they can experience abundance and freedom. I also own an online retail store supplying high-quality crystal products to the New Zealand market.

Q: what led you to that career?

In the last 8 years, it has been a lot of self-exploration, when I was working in my corporate job, I used to take workshops and classes to help me discover what I truly was passionate about. And that was how I found massage therapy and eventually left my job to start a massage therapy business. I held on to my love for learning something new and stepping into my intuitive gifts to be able to help others create change in their lives, to arrive at what I do today. 

Q: what is your educational background?

I graduated from University with a degree in Communication Studies and Spanish. Since then, I also became a qualified Massage Therapist, Yoga Teacher, Health Coach and Intuitive Life Coach. 

Q: Did you have any life-changing experiences that led you to what you’re doing today?

I used to work in the corporate world, but that left me burnt out, stressed out, drinking heavily, and suffering from migraines daily. What helped me at the time was yoga, so I decided to train to be a yoga teacher. While I was at yoga teacher training, I was sitting under a tree and meditating one morning, and I heard a voice asking me, really clearly, "Is this path you're taking something that you can do for the next 5 years? 10 years? 20 years?" And my heart answered with a resounding NO. And with that, I quit my corporate job and never looked back. That was for me a really profound moment where I was able to connect with my heart and intuition and have the courage to step up to do what I desired, despite what others expected of me, and that is the clarity that I love helping my clients with as well.

Q: How did your family and upbringing influence your career choices?

I came from a conservative Asian background which meant that it was never a question that I would go to University, with the option of becoming a dentist or doctor. But to the disappointment of my parents, I've always been one to go against the grain. I did go to University and for many years worked in Corporate Communications, which I'm so grateful for because it taught me a love for design and writing. My parents also instilled in me a strong independence that gave me more courage to break free from the mold of my upbringing and my limiting beliefs to go after what I truly desired, which was to create a life of joy and freedom. 

Q: Who has been your strongest influence in life?

I'm influenced and inspired by so many women around me at every stage of my life. I have always worked with coaches to help me get to where I want to be and also to stay motivated. I've also always been inspired by my husband, he is the most supportive person in my life and encourages me to follow my heart and do what I love every single day.

Q: What are you most proud of accomplishing?

I used to be the most shy person ever! I would always be the person in the back of the class, the person who stood in the background afraid of speaking. I'm still an introvert, and I love that about myself, but since I've made this journey I've had to constantly push myself to step out of my comfort zone. I've taught yoga at a yoga festival, I've spoken at summits and workshops. I'm proud of myself for being able to do that. 

Q: What would you say motivates you the most to do what you do?

Joy, freedom and impact motivates me the most. If something lights me up, makes me feel free to be my most authentic self, and can make a huge difference in the world, I will move in that direction.


On Making a Career Shift

Q: what made you decide to leave your past careers?

In the past 8 years, I have changed careers about 4 times. I've worked in the corporate world, I've started a massage therapy business, I've started a profitable online retail business, I've taught yoga and also now I am an Empowerment and Intuitive Coach.

For me it was a matter of following what lit me up at the time, knowing that it might change and that's okay, because we are constantly changing, evolving, learning to be better humans, and it takes self-trust and self love to roll with life and what it brings you.

Q: How did you find the courage to leap from one field to another?

It took a lot of courage to make a change each time. I don't think it gets easier, but the thing that always helps me is to look within courageously and get clear about what I truly desire for my life. To follow the intuitive hits, regardless of what other people wanted of me, or what society dictates that I should do as a woman, as a human. And it fills me with joy to help other women to do this as well!

Q: What has been the greatest challenge for you when it comes to switching careers?

When I first wanted to switch careers, the people around me did not understand it; they told me that it was a bad idea, and discouraged me from doing it. That was challenging because it was coming from people I loved. But now that they see how well I'm doing and how happy it makes me, they have become my biggest supporters!

Q: What advice do you have for others who are trying to switch careers?

There's no right or wrong path, every path is valid, and you can't do wrong. What I know is that if you take the leap, you won't regret it because you'll always learn something new from the experience.

Follow the fun, the passion, the thing that lights you up the most. Have an amazing crew of people who can support you and help you to get there. 

Q: What’s next for you, what are you looking forward to?

I'm so looking forward to growing my coaching business and launching a podcast to help women unravel the good girl rules. In the future, I would love to write a book that brings a positive impact to women all around the world.


Learn more about and connect with Sharin at:


Instagram: @thesharinshaik

Online Community: Becoming Her - A Space for Fearless Women