Donate In Memory of Our Elders

Legacy of Our Elders

Living a Bold and Brilliant Life does not have an age limit.

We are dedicated to carry the legacy of our elders as they pursued their passions until their last breath. Your donation will allow us to keep the heart beating for folks who are retired and currently have the never-ending desire to learn in school settings. Our #LifeLongLearners.

While the folks below are no longer with us physically, we are paying it forward to a senior citizen to pursue their educational passions of their Bold and Brilliant Life. Your donation will support our annual Senior S(c)itizen Scholarship.

Exercise your brain for life or else it freezes. — Late Veteran, Lowell Gardenhour, 92.

Your Legacy Lives on

  • Lowell Gardenhour, 92 - Air Force Veteran, Engineer, Pursued Computer Science Degree at West Chester University until 92.

  • Dacia Hewitt, 59 - Retired Registered Nurse, Pursued PhD until 59.


Your donation is tax deductible. Email with questions.