From Corporate Recruitment to Business Coaching: Irina Pichura
Irina had a dreamy corporate job working for Fortune 500 companies. But then came the plot twist - just around Christmas-time, she got laid off. For anyone, that would seem like a nightmare, but here is more than just the classic tale of turning lemons into lemonade. Irina took that lay-off as a sign to go all-in on her online business. After all, it was also the season of hope. She now helps other entrepreneurs build financial stability, freedom, and life on their own terms.
Q: Tell us about your current work roles.
Business coaching to budding female entrepreneurs.
Q: What led you to that career?
I always knew that corporate life wasn't a good fit for me, however, I didn't think I had other options until I was laid off from my fancy corporate 9-5 a week before Christmas. I took the knowledge and expertise that corporate gave me and took it online.
Q: What is your educational background?
I have a Bachelor of Science degree in Psychology from Fordham University in New York City. I was fascinated by humans, which has helped me so much in my entrepreneurial journey. The psychology of sales, copy, branding, and all things marketing - understanding how people make buying decisions is what I geek out on.
Q: Did you have any life-changing experiences that led you to what you’re doing today?
My corporate lay off. I was planning on starting a business as a side-hustle, but I would have never made the plunge myself if I wasn't let go. It was the worst feeling ever, especially the timing (around Christmas), but I feel like that's the very thing that pushed me to create a successful business more than anything else, the pain of it.
Q: How has your family and upbringing influenced your career choices?
My father has never worked a day in his life for anyone else. He has owned one business after another. I watched him drive taxis around NYC to save up money to buy his first business when we first moved to America. I watched him buy and sell his businesses my entire life, one bigger than the last. Today he owns several rental properties and enjoys life on his terms. I get his drive and entrepreneurial spirt from him.
Q: What are you most proud of accomplishing?
100% my business. It was extremely hard to get it to where it is today, but it gives me the ultimate freedom to do whatever I want. I get to play, get creative, create, dream big, and do it from the comfort of my home in my sweats.
Q: What would you say motivates you most to do what you do?
The people that I help. Helping women get out of jobs that they dread waking up to and help them build a successful business fuels me every day to keep showing up for them.
On Making a Career Shift
Q: How did you find the courage to leap from one field to another?
My layoff was forced, but it was something I was destined to do. I was going to make my business work (not matter what). It wasn't easy, but 100% worth it.
Q: What has been the greatest challenge for you when it comes to switching careers?
Going from a "secure" biweekly salary to having to create my own income, especially when it was unpredictable and unstable in the beginning. I kept pushing, investing in myself, and at first didn't earn much, but I was determined to figure it out and I did.
Q: What advice do you have for others who are still trying to find their passions?
If you have a desire to do something you're passionate about versus the safe thing, then go for it.
Your desires are placed in your heart for a reason, for you to follow them. The only regret you'll ever have is not trying.
Q: What’s next for you, what are you looking forward to?
Growing my brand, more awareness, a bigger audience, more impact.
Learn more about and connect with Irina at:
Instagram: @irinapichura