From Healthcare to Interior Design: Taylor Meeks


With her current role as an Interior Design consultant, writer, and social media manager, you wouldn’t guess that for most of Taylor’s youth and education, she was set to follow her father’s footsteps to be in the Healthcare industry. Find out how she learned how to navigate her own path, embrace her creative self, and found the career fit for her.


Q: Tell us about your current work roles.

I am a Freelance Interior Design Consultant and Content Writer.  My first job in this career has turned into a really exciting opportunity for me and I am now an Affiliate Interior Designer for White Dog Home (WDH) in Gainesville, GA.  I manage the design center, social media, and wedding registry for WDH as well.

Q: What led you to that career?

When I was trying to figure out how I wanted to redirect my career trajectory, I reached out to a few businesses in the area. But after really contemplating a career that would make me happy, I realized that Interior Design is a field that allows so much expression and collaboration. Realizing that I’ve always enjoyed the freedom of creativity, this was the perfect match. Without having any formal education in the field (though I understood that freelancing would give me the freedom needed to study, train, etc.), I got really lucky and ended up finding my current job. The owner, Malinda O’Brien, took a chance on me and has given me so many tools to be where I am today. It ended up being very lucky for me that I started in the healthcare field, because so did she! This is how I know without a doubt that any current position you’re in, no matter how miserable, will come full circle to get you where you're meant to be!

Q: What is your educational background?

In high school I was in the Healthcare Science curriculum.  Then in college, I graduated with a B.A. in Interdisciplinary Studies with concentrations in Exercise Physiology and Spanish.

Q: Did you have any life-changing experiences that led you to what you’re doing today?

Nothing incredibly poignant stands out.  Just a lot of stumbling, searching, and questioning!  Overcoming depression and anxiety gave me a resilient spirit and I think that served me as well.  I guess in a way, everything led to what I’m doing today!

Q: How has your family and upbringing influenced your career choices?

My family is very close and has always been so supportive of me. My dad, who is one of the most important people in my life, has been in the healthcare industry since before my siblings or I were born. I love my dad and always wanted to be like him because I wanted him to be proud of me and for us to always have that healthcare bond! I always tell people that he was my unofficial doctor growing up because he knows everything about medical science. It's incredible. He’s always learning and you can’t keep him from studying - he just completed his Ph.D. a few years ago and has joked about going for another. I have always admired that about him. So, we were raised with a lot of conversation surrounding healthcare and he would always invite us to question and learn with him. I found it so fascinating, and admired him so much, that I decided it was also the direction I wanted to take.

Once I got to college, though, I had to drop my first Chemistry class because I was going to fail or get a D (that should’ve been my first clue!). So after truly struggling throughout the rest of my college career, I just graduated to be done with school and started working for my dad. After I got married 6 months later, I went a couple of different directions before I landed in Healthcare Administration. I did enjoy my first job, but after a few months it became very difficult due to the work environment.

I had to navigate my own path and find the career that was best suited for me.

I changed to a new specialty office thinking that it would help, but it was a truly lateral move and didn't help at all. I was so miserable. Needless to say, the healthcare industry is just NOT for me! So I had to navigate my own path and find the career that was best suited for me, after quite a bit of trial and error!! Once I started pursuing my current track, my family was a little worried for me, but they’ve been nothing short of supportive and I do realize just how lucky I am to have that cohesive family unit unconditionally loving and supporting me.

Q: What are you most proud of accomplishing?

I think I’m the most proud of finding myself this past year.  Making the changes in my environment and career that I knew deep down I needed.  And I'm proud that I’m still going and making my dream a reality. 

Q: What would you say motivates you most to do what you do?

The desire to make myself, my husband, and my family proud.  Also, I am still searching for a full sense of accomplishment and feeling in my power.  I’m motivated to feel fully confident in my new career.


On Making a Career Shift

Q: How did you find the courage to leap from one field to another?

I felt very restless for a while. Truthfully, I spent the entirety of my college career and the first three years post-college (so, about 8 years) trying to figure myself out. It was very hard! The ultimate catalyst was when my husband and I moved across the state, from Augusta to Dahlonega, because I was so unhappy in Augusta. He has been the most supportive, giving, and flexible during this transition. When we got here in September, he encouraged me to take my time to find out what I’d be happy doing. I’m so grateful to him for that. And, I finally got sick of being unhappy and made it happen!

Q: What has been the greatest challenge for you when it comes to switching careers?

The uncertainty and lack of education - not knowing whether or not anyone would take a chance on me. Having no formal education in Interior Design was, and still is, a bit of an insecurity for me! I knew Healthcare because I was raised doing it and didn’t know anything else at the time. But with Interior Design, I’m learning to trust and believe in myself and my creativity!

Q: What advice do you have for others who want to switch careers?

Be patient and know that there is a reason for where you are now. Not that you have to stay there, but I believe that you can leverage the job you’re currently in to get you where you’re meant to be. If you don’t know exactly where you want to go, which was the situation I found myself in, explore! There’s no harm in trying out different options. For me, it took a while to hone in on what I was missing that would make me happy. Meet new people, find out what they do, see if you could see yourself doing something similar. I’ve been where you are and have full empathy for it - I would love to be there to support you if you need it.

You can leverage the job you’re currently in to get you where you’re meant to be.

Q: What’s next for you, what are you looking forward to?

I’m looking forward to taking on more projects for White Dog Home Design!  I think that E-Design is about to take off and I am so excited to get to be the lead for that at this incredible company.  Even though this year has gotten off to a very uncertain start, I have a feeling it will end with a lot of growth for everyone.


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