From the Corporate World to Freelance Writer and Publicist: Gabi Garett


“Quitting my job was an accident.”, Gabi shared in one of her introductory videos. While working in a medical company as an admin, she began feeling more and more unfulfilled and started her side-hustle writing. She started by working quid pro quo with her contacts to build her portfolio. After a move to a new town and job didn’t go as planned, she adapted and went all-in on her business. “I did not have a well-thought plan. However, I did have a vision board and I knew exactly what I wanted to do.”


Q: Tell us about your current work roles.

I am a ghostwriter, as well as a "regular" writer and a publicist. I help others get published in the incredible places I've been gifted to write for.

Q: What led you to that career?

I started freelance writing years ago, and after a move to a new town didn't result in an immediate full-time gig, I started freelancing full time.

Q: What is your educational background?

I have a major in Public Relations, a minor in Marketing, a specialization in Advertising, and a certificate in Sales Management from a liberal arts college called the University of West Florida. (Pensacola, FL)

Q: Did you have any life-changing experiences that led you to what you’re doing today?

Working for the local magazine in my college town, REALLY helped light a passionate fire. I got the cover story my first month writing for them and highlighted one of my mentors, it was so fun.

Q: How has your family and upbringing influenced your career choices?

My entire dad's side of the family were entrepreneurs - and my mom always encouraged me to do whatever I wanted.

Q: What are you most proud of accomplishing?

I'm published in USA Today! I wrote a piece about one of my best friends who traveled to 30 countries before she turned 30.

Q: What would you say motivates you most to do what you do?

Showing others what's possible.


On Making a Career Shift

Q: How did you find the courage to leap from one field to another?

It was a deep inner voice that kept saying, "Ask for more contracts!" - it was scary, but totally worth it.

Q: What has been the greatest challenge for you when it comes to switching careers?

The consistency in income is something that doesn't come overnight.. there was a lot of waiting by the mailbox, praying checks were en route.

Q: What advice do you have for others who are still trying to find their passions?

Ask yourself, “If I had $100,000 for the year: what would I do then?”

Q: What’s next for you, what are you looking forward to?

Writing books for high level entrepreneurs - looking at you, Sara Blakely!


Learn more about and connect with Gabi at:


Instagram: @iamgabigarrett