Five Characteristics of Multi-passionate People
Photo by Ian Schneider on Unsplash
Have you ever wondered if you’re someone who’s meant to live a life and career around multiple passions? Below are five characteristics of people who thrive on doing multiple things simultaneously.
You have irrepressible curiosity. You are naturally curious and unafraid to further explore the things that get you excited. You ask the questions, “What if?” and “What now?”. Oftentimes, that curiosity leads you to new discoveries about yourself, your abilities, and your passions.
You are wired for variety. You are skilled and talented in many areas and you are psychologically programmed to use them. If you go on a long time just focusing on one area, you feel a sense of imbalance. People with multiple passions are designed to do more and you never settle for just one path.
You don’t mind being a beginner. Sometimes you discover new passions along the way and it entails starting at the beginner level. But to you, this is all a new exciting venture and you can’t wait to start.
You thrive on possibilities. You don’t stifle your multi-passionate tendencies no matter how unrelated or even opposing they might seem. Being multi-passionate means you can entertain more possibilities instead of those in a traditional linear career path. You’re not easily threatened by change because it means you might have new opportunities that may lead you to new passions.
You easily adapt to different environments. Managing multiple careers means you’re used to constantly being in different fields, with different sets of work culture. This becomes an advantage because you not only learn to adapt quickly, but you develop your people skills as well.
These are just some of the multiple characteristics of people with multiple passions and thriving in all of them. Yes, it takes hard work to maintain this type of lifestyle, but the personal and professional growth surely is rewarding.